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What is it?

Oculoplastic is the part of ophthalmology, which studies and tries to solve the problems affecting  eyelids, tears and orbit.



Eyelid ptosis is called a more or less pronounced upper eyelid droop and can affect one or both eyelids. This fall presents with asymmetry in the face and can affect the vision. Ptosis is caused by weakening of the levator muscle of the upper eyelid.

It may appear at birth, according to the degree of action of the eyelid surgery will be done on the muscle with resection or shortening and if it has no function will be made a suspension to the frontal muscle.

Surgical correction of palpebral ptosis improves the patient's aesthetic appearance and vision.

Eyelid Retraction

The main pathologies that are part of this specialty are:

It is a pathology that usually appears associated with thyroid orbitopathy, giving the patient a face of scare face so characteristic of this disease.

The surgery is performed by weakening the levator muscle of the upper eyelid, which returns the patient to his expression and rehabilitates him for social and work life.

It is an alteration of the free position of the eyelid, outward or inward, giving the patient a sensation of constant tearing and redness of the eye. Through surgery, the eyelid is repositioned, ending with the symptoms it produces.

Palpebral Tumors

Tumors of the eyelids represent a major problem within ophthalmologic pathology.

Most lesions that appear on the eyelids are carcinomas, so these should be studied and removed, as they could affect the patient's life.

Chalazion and Sty are bumps on the eyelid. The sty is caused by the follicle of an infected eyelash. A chalazion is formed when a sebaceous gland of the eyelid called Meibomian gland becomes enlarged. They are treated with warm compresses, antibiotic ointments, steroid injections and surgical excision.

Chalazion and Styes

Oftalmologo en Santiago, Oftalmologos, Oftalmolaser


Entropion and Ectropion


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